Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Silly Site o' the Day

Robin did it! I had hoped we would be able to get COVID-19 vaccine appointments for the first day where we were both eligible (which we were as of 15 February) and there was decent weather, which is tomorrow. And Robin happened to go on TurboVax at just the right time to find and secure us two slots at Yankee Stadium tomorrow morning! Everything's printed out, all the paperwork has been gathered (we really just need our confirmations and IDs but we tend to over-prepare), and we're so excited I hope we can manage a good night's sleep! So many thoughts are going through my head. I've been sheltering in place since March 11 of last year and it's like suddenly a gear has shifted into forward motion again, and I can think in terms of a definite future, including visiting my mom for her 90th birthday (by which time, all going well, we'll have had both doses with a week to spare), shopping at normal hours, other medical appointments starting in the springtime, and just plain no longer being freaked out if I get too close to a stranger. It'll be wonderful going back to sensible-level precautions instead of extreme ones! Although I can't help but feel a little guilty that poor, poor rich folks like the relatively young, able-bodied Meghan McCain still don't have their vaccines...