Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Monday, January 25, 2021

Silly Site o' the Day

The new crown is in, will take some getting used to, and is apparently the first of many as I look toward the future. But all post-COVID! That's it for medical stuff until I'm able to secure an initial appointment with whatever primary care person I can find in this neighborhood (or, more accurately, in the neighborhood where we used to live) so I can get prescriptions renewed and start building a medical network closer to home since I'm not working in Manhattan again even after the pandemic. Other than that, no need to go out anywhere, we can even have groceries delivered, so I'm well prepared to cocoon during the coming cold spell. Robin's bled all the radiators (a herculean task which involved way too much moving of furniture) so we're now getting heat everywhere, it's just a matter of whether the landlord turned the boiler down again, which I wouldn't put past him. But you know, that's all hearsay and possibly even folklore, according to this lore generator (via BoingBoing).