Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Silly Site o' the Day

Famous last words! I went to bed with the tendon brace and that turned out to be a big mistake. Every toss and turn seemed to hurt more. I finally tossed it and sat up in extreme knee pain, to the point where I couldn't even put weight on the knee. I feel like I've backslid to square one again! But the pain has eased throughout the day and I'm back to hobbling just a little now. No brace for me tonight, and we'll see how I feel tomorrow. Meanwhile, it's still so gloomy outside I don't really miss not taking a drive for foliage spotting. That'll wait until my knee recovers and the weather is better. Or, you know, there's always autumn 2021, if we're lucky. And in any case, we'll always have pumpkin butts.