Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Saturday, October 24, 2020

Silly Site o' the Day

A grand and glorious day! I ventured out with the tendon brace, which seemed to serve me well whilst driving, and Robin and I went to scope out our early voting place so I could drop off my absentee ballot in the drop box and go all contactless. It was only supposed to be a reconnaissance mission but we found a parking space and I was able to exercise my franchise and the whole thing took maybe 15 minutes (unlike the in-person voting folks where the queue was at least two hours long). So far so good with the knee, I used my cane and the ramps at the early voting place, and I even went up the steps one at a time the way I go down them, but we'll see. The day was a bit too gloomy for a foliage drive, so I decided to treat myself to something I've been wanting to do for awhile - we set up a new AppleTV device in the bedroom so we now have them on both TVs, and I subscribed to the Disney+/Hulu/ESPN+ package! Finally got to see Frozen II and am well into binging other stuff I've been waiting for months to be able to afford to see. Of course, I had to make a list to keep track of which programs are on which streaming channels, but I can't find the one that puts Bill Murray's faces on famous paintings.