Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Silly Site o' the Day

The knee continues to improve in terms of my ability to walk without a cane, although it's still hella swollen. But at least the pain has lessened to the point where I didn't even need ibuprofen during the day, I could think enough to get my work done, and I even managed a shower. The back of my knee is rubbed raw from the brace, though, so I'm changing to a less restrictive model overnight and Robin's been applying different ointments to lessen the chafing. Maybe by the weekend the swelling will have gone down again? Who knows? What's time anyway? Even Julie Nolke seems to have given up:

Via BoingBoing.


Dwight Williams said...

I wish my own hip pain would go away.