Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Monday, December 09, 2019

Silly Site o' the Day

Just when things seemed to be going swimmingly, my body betrayed me once again. This time it's my right knee, which is occasionally arthritic, but this pain is on a whole new level. I can't stand or walk without considerable pain. Nonetheless I managed to schlep in some supplies for our marathon office decorating spree, although I wasn't able to participate in the decorating itself. I hobbled back to the bus at the regular time, and really look forward to seeing the results when I hobble back in tomorrow morning. The shower's helped ease the muscles a bit, but this pain is still utterly mystifying. The DC TV superhero crossover of a series I read during my first marriage (I still remember Steve explaining to me who all these characters were) has taken my mind off some of the pain. Meanwhile, Ryan Reynolds, a superhero in his own right whether you're talking DC (and really, nobody mentions Green Lantern for good reason) and Marvel (even I like Deadpool despite the crudity), has done it again. He's taken this ad, the subject of much controversy...

...and hired Monica Ruiz, the same actress, to do a sequel of sorts for his gin company:

Bloody brilliant. Can we do a take 2 on that Green Lantern thing with maybe Reynolds writing it this time?