Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Friday, November 16, 2018

Silly Site o' the Day

Not feeling silly at all today, I'm afraid. Yesterday affected me both physically and emotionally, and it was all I could do to get through a half day of work before calling it quits for the weekend. I was home and in bed by 3, and have been dozing fitfully since. Hope this only lasts another day or so, I'd like three good days of work before the Thanksgiving break. Although I think this year we're going to skip the Day After Thanksgiving Feast; despite my new cookware I doubt I'll be up to it. Perhaps with the holiday season in full swing (and if we're going to have a mid-November gale we might as well just call it the holiday season now) I'm seriously considering trying to make some kind of sausage dish just to get free sausage-scented wrapping paper (via Brand Flakes for Breakfast).