Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Silly Site o' the Day

Robin and I had made plans to meet for a date night dinner at our local sushi place after I voted, then walk home together. It's about two hilly blocks from the polling place to the restaurant and a further 5-6 to get home. No sweat. Except around 4pm my left foot started bothering me. Didn't feel like the plantar, it was on the top of the foot opposite the ball, so I'm guessing referred pain from tight leg muscles (maybe the ones in the shin?). Probably a 24 or 48-hour inconvenience. But walking home didn't help it get better, unfortunately. Right now I'm in considerable discomfort, mainlining ibuprofen and not really moving from the bedroom/computer room side of the apartment. Who knows what tomorrow will bring? Maybe I should look into one of these self-help books.