Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Sunday, May 01, 2011

Okay, You Found Me Out...

Yeah yeah, all that stuff below about being swamped with work and not being able to post Silly Sites, it was all a ruse. I was actually in England attending the Royal Wedding. For some reason Robin wasn't among the 1900 folks who received invitations, but he was kind enough to get a screen grab of me going into the church with my white umbrella and my lovely purple outfit:

Elayne Royal Wedding1

Here's another screen grab, a closer shot, where I'm waving to the camera:

Elayne Royal Wedding2

Seriously, this was one of the only times I've ever seen someone on the telly who pretty much looks exactly like me. If anyone has a clue as to who my English doppelganger is, I'd love to know!