Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Silly Site o' the Day

Lots of change in the air. We took the cats to the new vet (the one right by us retired) in order to get renewed prescriptions for Datsa's meds and special food, which was a fun 10-minute car ride but which we won't have to do for another three years (at least as far as shots are concerned). Went through my email to print what needed to be printed (found out how Word for Mac handles envelopes, which should come in handy) and saw an email from Laura suggesting I change Pen-Elayne's template because Google's probably retiring the old ones and making life (and archiving) hell for anyone who doesn't go along with the plan. Heck, it's free, so you'll see a new template soon. And a few dozen Democratic Congresscritters actually voted against health insurance reform for the wrong reasons, but at least the first hurdle's finally done and has laid the foundation for actual reform when we get more people in Congress with actual ovaries and testicles. Too bad the Obamanator didn't show up a year ago when it might have made all the difference. Oh, and I almost forgot, I screwed up on the time of Radio Free Oz's online premiere - it's 9 PM Pacific (aka midnight here on the East Coast), so it doesn't look like I'll be awake enough to join Firesign chat...


Tegan said...

I may be able to save your flames yet. I won't give up without a fight!

Elayne said...

Laura, don't strain yourself. I care FAR more about your health and well-being than the stupid flame design...

Tegan said...

I'm having a little bit of fun, in between contracts. This is what I find enjoyable. It's not a strain, it's a pleasant challenge!