Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Friday, February 27, 2009

Silly Site o' the Day

And a hell of a day it was! First my mammogram results finally came in, after some nail-biting during the two weeks since my multiple x-rays, and everything's normal/negative/woo-hoo! Then Rob called, having misplaced his wallet, and we went over all sorts of mental machinations of how we were going to deal with replacing some pretty valuable stuff until the evening, when it was relocated and retrieved. Now we're waiting for our celebratory Indian dinner, including a Flying Horse, a beer so powerful (at least last time I had it) that it near to knocked me over. Speaking of which:

The Lego Beer song is via Robyn at Serious Eats, quickly becoming one of my favorite go-to sites for silly stuff involving food.