Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Monday, November 03, 2008

Silly Sites o' the Day

More photos coming; I just downloaded everything from my camera, uploaded the work-related ones to a thumb drive to take into the office, and I've yet to sort the ones from Gene's wedding but I'll post the best of the rest anon. Meanwhile, lots of political videos to get out of the way, including this very clever voter-video generator via Marv Wolfman; the somewhat frightening Palin as President site via Scout Prime at First Draft; the Palin interview generator via Gerard; and finally, via Will Shetterly, this Song for Sarah:

I have no idea why so many Silly Sites are Palin-oriented, other than that people of all political stripes seem to instinctively recognize how inherently silly (and sad) it is that she's on a Presidential ticket to begin with.