Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Bronkers Voting Report

I voted at approximately 6:45 PM at my local place. No line at all, not even in front of me. Zero minutes wait. Actually a 10-minute wait but that was only because I had to deal with an unexpected call on my cell phone from the Workforce1 Career Center who apparently hadn't gotten the word from the NYS Department of Labor that I've been employed for four and a half months and needed all the relevant info before I could hang up. But it's all good. Oh, have to show you two photos (as usual, click to embiggen):

That's the price of gasoline at my local filling station around the corner from where we live. I wanted a visual record of it for future reference.

And that's a subway ad from Manhattan Mini Storage. Not shown is their other semi-amusing political ad, featuring a torso (the head and legs are out of the shot) carrying a television on which one sees the current White House resident with a caption something like "Have you 'misunderestimated' your closet space?"

Back later with a Silly Site and perhaps a photo montage from this morning's stroll in Central Park.