Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Silly Site o' the Day

My newest ComicMix column is up. Another one about music, specifically about how it's crept back into my life without me even realizing it. Maybe there's hope for me yet. It helps that we live in a pretty idyllic neighborhood and I don't hear a lot of outside noise other than birdsong. Rob's back at work playing music pretty much all day, which doesn't bother me unless I'm in the living room trying to watch TV, and you know what? His work comfort takes priority over my lounging about. Best to stay in the computer room and work on my writing, when I'm not out and about doing errands. I tried to play through the first round of Bow Street Runner (via Cory at BoingBoing) but this old machine ran out of virtual memory so maybe I'll continue sometime on the laptop...