Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Silly Site o' the Day

Another season ended, with lots of great interviews but no job offers yet. Another Purim arrived, with Megillat Vashti still unwritten. This year for sure! But y'all have heard that before. Cablevision returned yesterday and replaced some more chewed-through cables yesterday (the squirrels around here find them very tasty indeed) so the TVs are working fine, but the internet and phone connections are still cutting out, so we're hoping Robin's temporary backache improves enough tomorrow for us to go up to their Yonkers outlet and exchange modems. In the meantime, I've been asking potential employers to call back on my cell number for the phone screening interviews. Had two good ones today, set up one definite interview next week and two potentials, so there is forward movement. It's just a bit more glacial than I would like, is all. But we're okay, we're relatively healthy, the cat won't stop meowing and it's an hour and a half till his dinnertime, and... sorry, where was I? Oh, everyone's talking about Obama's speech, which I thought eloquently belabored the obvious, but maybe the subject matter isn't so obvious to our largely dumbed-down electorate so it was probably worthwhile. Alternate persuasive speech topics can be generated here (via Gerard)...