Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Friday, February 01, 2008

Silly Site o' the Day

White Rabbits! Let's hope February is better than January but, thanks to this wet weather and the way it aggravates our not-quite-post-illness coughs, I'm afraid it's not getting off to a very good start. Finished rereading Order of the Phoenix and couldn't resist starting to reread Half-Blood Prince right on its heels; should've known Rowling would suck me in again. Other than that I've been away from keyboard and computer; as evidenced by how much I coughed during a phone conversation with Joan Hilty, who'd called to update Robin on his workload and me on some job applications I'd submitted to DC Comics, it's a good thing I haven't been working on the job search, I would never have been able to do any phone screening interviews today. Every day I get a little stronger but I'm just not quite there yet. Kitty blogging to follow; for now, click on this unless you're my Mom, and blame Jeff at Shakespeare's Sister and PZ.