Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Silly Site o' the Day

Good interview this morning; the interviewers thought I would be a better fit at one of their other locations in Manhattan, and by the time the return subway reached 125th Street so my cell could get a signal, I'd arranged another interview on Thursday morning. This one's right across from the WTC site, so I'm a little freaked, but it's a Good Thing to remember all those people and not take life for granted. Particularly as I've just heard another young actor has died; two in one week, in any week, is two too many. As humans we crave survival, connection... speaking of which, the latest blog to take advantage of pareidolia (a word I really need to remember) is the clever photo-blog Faces in Places, featuring photographs of objects wherein faces are perceived. Got that one via Bibi, who always makes such interesting connections.