Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Silly Site o' the Day

Yesterday's interview seemed to go well -- I can certainly do the job, I love the location, it's just a matter of the employer wanting me over the others at this point -- and the MoCCA event and after-event socializing was great (my write-up is here on ComicMix).

That's me and Valerie D'Orazio, the Occasional Superheroine, getting all fangirl over each other (as it were). Robin happened to get Val in like the one second she wasn't smiling. More pictures to follow later today, as we venture out to do local errands amidst the beautiful foliage. So, what's on your mind today? Find out with the brainscannr (via Gerard). Here are my results; looks about right.