Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Silly Site o' the Day

Yes, it's been another one of those days. My latest ComicMix column has been posted, and despite the fact that it's directly about comics it surprisingly hasn't gotten any comments yet, but that's okay because Colleen did a whole blog post about it, which I haven't been able to read yet because, well, it's been a crazy day. The knee is improving but I still need the walking stick when traversing the two blocks between where I have to park now and the office lot where I'm now forbidden to park. I was on my feet way too much during the work day, and now I can't put weight on my left foot without feeling intense shooting pain near my heel. And our elevator is down so I'm looking at a 2-block walk plus three flights of stairs tomorrow (two down from our apartment to the ground, one up from the building lobby to the office). I can't do stairs with a walking stick, so I'll probably limp the two blocks with my tea mug and the other stuff I need to take to the office. I need motivation. Okay, I need the parody motivator generator (via Karen).