Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Friday, August 03, 2007

Silly Site o' the Day

Just need to... hang on... eight more hours... The vaca week is starting to shape up nicely in terms of tentative visits to relatives and friends, including Doc Tech and the fabulous Lili somewhere in Trumbull, CT to celebrateTom's new job, and (I hope) my PT friend Jan to get rid of some of this pain. You know what would alleviate the pain? A gosh-darn personal jet pack, that's what. I've been waiting for mine for over 30 years now. And Bob Harris has just reported on the Second Rocketbelt Convention. So that's what happened to the jet packs, they're all in the Netherlands! Alas, all the pilots are men, so they probably still wouldn't give me one...