Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Silly Site o' the Day

Interrupted night, which I more or less expected, as Datsa got to us around 4:30 and I finally struggled awake at around 5 to stay up until his normal feeding time and give Robin a few hours of shut-eye, after which I stumbled back to bed and we didn't wake up until half eleven. Since then I've straightened out the bedroom papers, hung up all closet-bound clothing, did the washing up and made a terrific salad with apple and freshly-cracked nuts and freshly-cut cilantro and other good stuff, emptied trash bins around the apartment and watched Robin break down all our empty boxes for disposal, checked my email (I have resolved to try and get back to doing that daily on all my home e-addresses, which are about half a dozen now) and am now relaxing with baseball. A good day, especially in terms of staying inside as the temps have shot up again. Is it indeed the End of the World (thanks Melissa)???