Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Transitional Blogaround

It's a weird day -- the air is kind of stormy, Datsa won't stop meowing whilst Robin is trying to nap, I'm still really beat from yesterday at BEA, and it seems like every blog I read is mourning the untimely passing of someone who inexplicably loathed me, although that feeling was never mutual. I'll simply say I'm relieved his suffering is over and move on to a few of the posts I enjoyed reading this past week:

• Aidan Brooks takes a jaundiced look at the newest celeb/chef pairing.

• Rachel Edidin is pumped up on community after WisCon.

• PJ gets an A+ on his kitty math.

• Apparently last Wednesday was another Manhattanhenge, and as we were in the city on Thursday we missed it by just one day (but I'm never in the city for sunset any more anyway).

Back with a Silly Site shortly.