Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Silly Site o' the Day

Via Cute Overload, it's PawSense, the "cat-like typing" detector. As far as I can tell this is real, not a parody. Oh, and Datsa's stopped meowing. Even though he didn't have his afternoon pill, I opened up another can of food and dumped the contents in their bowl, justifying it by reasoning that he and Amy didn't eat most of their their breakfast - for some reason they suddenly hate tuna-flavored Fancy Feast - so the odd can (I usually buy two of each flavor as we give them a can each in the mornings, but this one was an "orphan") can serve as sort of a light lunch/snack and I'll just push their dinner back an hour or so. And it worked, and Robin's once more napping peacefully.