Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Friday, February 09, 2007

Banned on Blogdom?

My fellow Liberal Coalition member Steve Gilliard has just banned me from posting comments on his blog, for reasons unknown. Steve, you want to elaborate or are you just going to continue acting like an apparent prick? I'm more than happy to eliminate you from my further reading and my weekly LC blogarounds, the way I've done with Firedoglake, but I'd at least like to know why I'm suddenly shunned. Update: Steve has elucidated his reasons on his blog, half of which are fair and true. He has also lashed out at me on the LC mailing list as "not a good or decent person," which grieves me as I've always tried to be just that. It's true that I've made no secret how I feel about blog-begging, and perhaps that just hit too close to home and wounded Steve far more than was ever intended. Ironically, after my conversation with the lovely Jenonymous (not "grilling," I've never grilled anyone in my life and if that's how she described it to him I cop to a serious misjudgment of her character as a good and honest person and a true friend to Steve) I was much more inclined to give him slack in this department, as I learned probably more than I wanted to know about his personal circumstances. Regardless, I regret that it's come to this - I have many friends whose blog-begging drives me up the wall, and we're still friends - and, even though he's treated his personal opinions as fact and that tends to damage credibility (probably the most powerful currency available to bloggers), I do still urge fans of Steve's political writing to continue reading Steve's blog, which often contains some of the best insights around on the national and particularly local (NYC) level. I live in hope that someday Steve and I will be able to patch things up, perhaps through our many mutual friends.