Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Silly Site o' the Day

Well, even though we hadn't the money or time or invite or wherewithall to get to any conventions this weekend, we still wound up spending more than we'd anticipated. When we took Datsa in this morning the vet tried again, as he did last year, to convince us to let him do the cat's teeth and gums. Datsa has had bad teeth and gums his entire life, all his canines have fallen out by now, and yes, we knew he had infections which were hazardous to the rest of his health. But he's 14 and I just didn't want him anesthetized. Long and short, the doctor convinced me that kitty anesthesia has really come a long way these past few years, that he'd only be under a very short time, just long enough to clean his mouth out, and that we could pick him up in another hour so he wouldn't have to stay overnight or anything. That last assurance sealed the deal, and so I spent the extra money on something he's long, desperately needed, as opposed to the other would-be vet who wanted money sight-unseen to do questionable and probably unnecessary procedures.

And I spent the rest of the day at home, mostly watching the Yankees-Mets game and keeping him company, and we've just given him and Amy dinner (she's not thrilled with his vet-office smell, but once that fades I think she'll be a lot happier to be near a cat who no longer has the odor of gum disease), and I'm sure his mouth is sore but he seems happier than he's been in awhile. So no forward movement in terms of writing and blogging, but I have a healthy 14-year-old kitty so I'm content.

Okay, so today's site is one that supposedly takes your Visual DNA (via Patia). Seems harmless enough, but my answers keep changing all the time...