Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Silly Site o' the Day

My latest column is up at ComicMix and available for comments. It's not really about Paris Hilton, so I only have to hang my head in shame a wee bit. It's more about what Bernie Taupin was saying in VH1's Classic Albums series about "Candle in the Wind," the idea of the media feeding frenzy that chews up and spits out celebrities. After all, all the papers had to say was that Anna Nicole was found in the nude...

Anyway, lots of links to talk about, lots of blogospheric goings-on in the wake of the wake, as 'twere, but nothing I can discuss right now as I'm neck-deep in organizing medical claims for my boss' family. That's right, I process their personal medical claims for them. Le sigh. After that it's back to full-speed on the Huge-Ass Project for the rest of the day, as I'm in Manhattan (twice) tomorrow. I've cancelled Datsa's mid-day appointment, the more money the vet's office told me they wanted up-front, the more suspicion they aroused. I'm not paying $250 to take a perfectly healthy (and on meds that keep him that way) cat for an annual checkup just because he has a "pre-existing condition" and "the doctor wants to do blood work." All this sight-unseen, from a vet we've never even met! Sheer lunacy. So he's going back to the vet around the corner, who isn't all that thorough but at least can give him his annual shots and renew his prescriptions.

Oh yeah, a silly site. How about, "Porn Star or My Little Pony?" That takes care of both Mademoiselle Hilton (sort of) and blogosphere in-jokes (kinda). Via Lis Riba.