Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Silly Site o' the Day

The job interview went -- neither badly or tremendously, I couldn't really get a reading. I think they're still at the winnowing-out phase, so it may be another month or so before I hear from them again. In any case, it sounds like exactly the kind of thing I'd really like -- it's in Manhattan and easily accessible from the express bus, it's a non-profit, it's my salary range, it's straight exec-assistant stuff (no personal crap, no prop management, nothing but what I actually like to do and am good at doing), it requires writing skills (hooray!), and it appeals to me culturally. Dress seems to be a bit more formal than I'm used to, but that's easily taken care of. In any case, I'm hanging fire until I hear from them, as this will probably be my only interview until my boss returns and I'm trapped again until autumn. And I'm hanging out for the next couple hours until I have my cardio appointment, so wasn't it nice of the Yankees to play this afternoon just for me? Switching to the living room laptop right after I finish this post. Oh, don't forget I'm at Lance's place tonight, live-blogging Studio 60 starting slightly before 10 PM Eastern. And here's a job I absolutely don't want, mainly because they only feature one body type (and annoying music, etc.) -- the virtual editorial assistant game, via NY Mag's Daily Intelligencer.