Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Sunday, December 17, 2006

A Series of Fortunate Events

While people in other media who aren't Time's Person of the Year prepare their usual year-end retrospective lists, bloggers who apparently do constitute a portion of Time's Person [sic] of the Year (and was I the only one whose first thought when upon seeing the cover with the word "You" was the old Daffy Duck line "Ah, pronoun trouble!"? Also, what August said, it's not supposed to be an award. And Robin's reaction to Richard Stengel's explanation of why he rejected recognizing the impact of an individual like Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, "It just felt to me a little off selecting him," was "'It didn't feel right'? How Colbert can you get?") are doing some interesting serial work of late. I've bookmarked most of this for reading later today when we return from a Chanukah party we're attending in Manhattan.

• Colleen Doran has wrapped up "The Perils of Colleen" about the adventures and heartaches she's had as professional learning experiences. Here's the final chapter with links to all the others.

• David Niewert has started a new 8-part series on Eliminationism in America. Here's part three with links to the first two parts.

• Pissed Off Patricia's cat Fred introduces two more Friday Story Times, here and here. This is quickly becoming one of my favorite weekly reads.

• Speaking of Fridays, how long has TBogg been doing Friday Izzard Blogging? His two most recent are here and here.

• Speaking of Izzard, Teresa Nielsen Hayden finds a series of Izzard videos on YouTube which constitute a documentary called Mongrel Nation, "about how much quintessentially English culture comes from somewhere else."

• And speaking of actual serials, Scott Clevenger's take on the 1943 Batman serial by Columbia is up to Chapter 7 now.

Liberal Coalition blogaround coming shortly!