Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Liberal Coalition Top Ten
Week of 12/10/06 thru 12/16/06

As promised, here are the Liberal Coalition category posts that caught my eye from this past week, plus a few bonus non-LC posts that didn't fit in my last entry:

• Bryant's had it with his blog for the time being, as Blogger screwed up his archives. On a positive note, Horatio found the method by which to get Haloscan to work with Blogger's new beta template.

• Charles2 reminds us of one of the ways in which government regulation of industries is a very good thing.

• Chris has been reviewing his 20 favorite albums of 2006, and has started the final 10. Naturally, I haven't heard of most of them.

• Echidne examines truthiness and its foundation. When a gut feeling affects journalism to such an extent that Time is no longer able to name a single person who has affected the planet the most in a given year (and hasn't been since 2001, according to folks like Jonathan Larsen and Russell Shaw), something serious is amiss and has contributed mightily to the dumbing down of America.

• Please contribute to the Buy Jeff a Strobe Light of Atheism Fund, won't you?

John's okay after the North Pacific windstorm, thank goodness. (So's Laura, who took pictures of her slightly battered car and surroundings before she and Eric hightailed it out to his parents' house.) John also examines the big-picture scare stories of the day, geographic illiteracy, AOL news' reductionism, and the discovery of a baby plesiosaur fossil.

• Kathy says it ain't war if Congress hasn't explicitly declared it so, and Bush has no legal standing to keep using "we're at war" as an excuse. But we already knew that.

• I get the feeling Keith didn't care for Apocalypto.

• Maru points out that public servants, especially those intent on depriving their bosses (citizens) of privacy, can't argue "unprecedented intrusion" when the federal judiciary seeks to investigate their obsessive secrecy and possible illegal activities. That moral high ground ship sailed long ago, and promptly sank.

• Michael might be in favor of the idea of impeachment, but he's against the process thereof.

• Scott has some good theatre talk about Evil Dead - The Musical and the long-awaited musical adaptation of Young Frankenstein I hope Playbill is right about Cloris Leachman reprising her role! She'd be just about the age of Frau Blucher (*neeeeeigh*) now, wouldn't she? Also, Scott wishes us all a very Maury Christmas, which is just so wrong.

• Steve G gives some very good reasons for not supporting blog awards, but in a world where Time magazine named You - yes, You! - their Person of the Year, I find them no more meaningless than any other recognitions.

And now the bonus links:

• Glenn Greenwald has an example of the mainstream media reporting a story correctly for a change.

• Donna reviews the liberal blogosphere's reaction and non-reaction to the Rosie O'Donnell "ching chong" matter, and reminds fellow travelers once again that we don't get to define how others will react to dumb stuff we say and do that's liable to hurt them.

• Will Shetterly quotes Rabbie Bradley at length about holiday traditions. Lots of interesting food for thought there, at least for me.

Silly Site o' the Day coming right up!