Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Silly Site o' the Day

Okay, I'm cheating a bit, but it's a friend so I'm allowed to do that. David Ossman from The Firesign Theatre has written a new book, The Ronald Reagan Murder Case: A George Tirebiter Mystery. (If that sounds a little Colbert-ish to you young'uns, it's approximately the same concept, i.e., Tirebiter is to Ossman, more or less, as Tek Jansen is to Colbert. Only, of course, David's alter ego came first, by a few decades.) David's also going to show up on tomorrow' night's Firesign chat. Hope to see many of you there! (Please note, I may be a bit late to the proceedings as I'm planning on attending the Women Comic Artists panel discussion at the Jewish Museum on Museum Row, and the express buses back to Riverdale run infrequently at that hour.)