Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Monday, November 13, 2006

Silly Site o' the Day

Ginger Mayerson emails to ask that I (and others) publicize the winner of the 2006 Women Comics Podcasters grant. I didn't even know women were podcasting about comics, much less that there were grants for such a thing. Anyway, the winner is Jenni Moody of the Phantom Power Comics Podcast, which I guess I'll now put on my podcast list on Bloglines even though I don't even listen to podcasts (I have trouble reading and listening at the same time). It's a good job I elected not to purchase the last couple seasons of favorite podcast, Ricky Gervais & friends, as I don't think I'm through the free first season yet. Still, Jenni's win has inspired me to create a comic strip in her honor. This comics generator (which, alas, has way too many ads) is via Gerard, natch.