Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Silly Site o' the Day

It feels like I've back-slid a bit in the ankle-wellness department, as I was back to the crutches this morning, but Robin assures me that I really gave the foot a workout yesterday so this is bound to happen. I'm getting about the office using the walking stick, though (thank goodness it's portable and folds up!), and still taking one day at a time. I'm sure I'll be all better by election day. Speaking of which:

You can't put anything past the Election Campaign Button generator (via Gerard), it knows an October Surprise when it sees one! (Although the supposed NK nuke test doesn't appear to have succeeded as he'd hoped, because people are still talking about the Gross Old Pedophiles, aren't they?)