Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Monday, October 23, 2006

Silly Site o' the Day

A bit too much standing at Julia's gathering yesterday afternoon, methinks, followed by a half hour drive, two flights of steps, and opting to blog instead of elevate and ice the ankle, so it hurt a bit through the night and this morning. Of course, colder weather always aggravates recent injuries, so there's that as well. Boss and wife both in today at various times, so I'll have to be on my toes, so to speak. I have the Pen-Elayne chatroom open in another window, in case anyone wants to stop by, and I'm still soliciting suggestions on best day and time for a regular weekly online gathering. And because I've been so meta lately, and because I saw it on Steve's blog and he was there yesterday, I present the Autorantic Virtual Moonbat!