Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Monday, October 23, 2006

About the Chatroom

I've had the window to the Pen-Elayne chatroom open all day but didn't realize I need to periodically type something or it won't refresh (at least on this computer), so I think I've missed Pen-Elayne commenter sngrfxz, in which case sorry sng! Something to know about the Pen-Elayne chatroom is that chat.creator works along old IRC principles, so a lot of the coding is the same (you put the forward-slash mark in front of words like "help" if you want to see the help menu, "leave" and "join Pen-Elayne" if you want to, you know, leave and join (by the way, the chatroom name is case-sensitive), stuff like that. And the coding for bold-facing and italics and other formatting buttons is similar to that on message boards. Now I have to remember all my old IRC and message board activity... I'm sure it's in my brain somewhere, these things never really leave us...