Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Silly Site o' the Day

I do seem to have a knack for schlepping heavy tote bags into Manhattan on rainy days, don't I? I still can't walk more than a half block without feeling excruciating back pain, and it's mostly when my arms are being used for something like holding up a pocketbook or umbrella or tote bag or, today, all three. And I should have known I wouldn't be able to use both the brolly and the walking stick, which would have lightened my load a bit had I left the latter at home. But I'm back now (laden with three weeks' worth of comics which, thankfully, my work-at-home husband was able to carry back to our place from the bus terminus) and resting up a bit before my dental appointment. Maybe I'll troll through the Uncyclopedia as well (via Riggsveda). Say, did you know that today is Grátúïtõùs Üs? öf Ðîåçrïtícãl Mârkš Dàý? Well, there you are.