Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Silly Site o' the Day

Once again, my best laid plans gang aft agley. Datsa woke us early and wouldn't stand still so I had to chase him before pilling him (ow, my back) then after that we had to wait 20-30 minutes to feed him then Robin opened the windows for the first time in what seemed like ages and it was such a nice, pleasant, lazy morning and zzzzzz.... Anyway, so we're up again and the AC is now on and I can always take my car in next Saturday. And if I'm very conscientious this weekend, whilst Robin works I'll do not only my financial catch-up (checkbook reconciliation, bill-paying, etc.) but bloggy catch-up as well, including posting those pictures from last Tuesday night. Meantime, enjoy The "Blog" of "Unnecessary" Quotation Marks with me, won't you? I love spotting these things, most every time I see one I immediately repeat it aloud using air quotes to show how stupid the unnecessary quote-marks sound. Via Eszter.