Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Silly Site o' the Day

It's officially Thursday, the day we leave to visit family and friends across the pond. The first round of packing is done, leaving us at least a few hours in between boarding the cats and being picked up by the car service to figure out what we've forgotten. Oddly, I can't seem to locate any of the pre-packed vacation stuff we used to use - the plastic Virgin Airlines bags in which we put toiletries, the bag that folds and zips up into a little pouch in case we want to fill an extra carry-on... maybe they're hidden away in closets somewhere. But overall we seem to be in good shape. I was thinking about pre-stacking Silly Sites to run over the next week and a half, but you know, Desi and Wayne know what they're doing, I'm leaving this blog in good hands. Overall I'll probably be, as the kids say, AFK as much as possible, but you never know, I may pop in from time to time, perhaps even to post photos. So this isn't "goodbye for 9 days," it's merely

Plane banner generator via, who else, Gerard at the Generator Blog!