Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Silly Site o' the Day

Happy St. George's Day! Here in Bronkers we're celebrating by having typical English weather - dank, dank, and more dank. I feel much more like going back into the bedroom where the space heater is (no radiator heat this weekend, for whatever reason) and curling up with Datsa and my unread comics box than blogging, but I'm fairly behind in the latter so I'm prepared to soldier through for awhile. In the meantime, maybe I can warm myself with a made-to-order romance story, care of the Romance Story Generator (via, of course, the Generator Blog). According to my randomizer, my chosen fantasy "story takes place in a city-state on a barren world of forbidden magic. In it, an unhappy shaman is in love with a demonologist with a heart of gold. It seems a nun will bring them even closer together." I can hardly wait!