Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Liberal Coalition Top Ten
Week of 4/16 thru 4/22/06

Brr, even Blogger is a bit frozen this afternoon, as it's stalling and stuttering as it tries to upload posts onto the system. Oh well, I'm sure my weekly review of fellow Liberal Coalition members' posts which I found noteworthy will get posted sooner or later:

• Steve at Yellow Doggerel Democrat warns about plans for a mandatory website rating system. I don't get it, doesn't the "I confirm I'm over 18 years old" clicky thing at page entrances work any more?

• Uptown Ruler at Scrutiny Hooligans says something doesn't add up in the news items about the Houstonians stopped in PA with a half million bucks in their truck. I'll say!

• Norbizness at Happy Furry Puppy Story Time doesn't like the comic strip Day By Day. I don't like DBD's message either, any more than I like other right-wingnut-drawn strips like Mallard Fillmore or BC, but most of the "mutated" strips he repros here aren't about Chris Muir's supposed wrongheadedness but about his drawing style! Which I think is about as lame as saying "Michael Moore is fat" or "Rush Limbaugh is fat." There's nothing wrong with Muir's craftsmanship at all. And frankly, I agree with the sentiment expressed in this strip, and so does Steve Gilliard of The News Blog - more people from all parts of the political spectrum should be publicly outraged at how Fran O'Brien's Steak House is being treated. On a lighter note, Norbizness tries his hand at Hardy Boys fiction.

• Speaking of Steve Gilliard, I found his reproing of the Daily News editorial under his header Four years of stagnation interesting, but disagree with that paper that "It is an accident of history that Silverstein leased the WTC from the Port Authority just before 9/11..." I'm no conspiracy theorist, but "accident" my sweet patootie. Steve also has interesting things to say about US professional soccer (which I've been guilty of mocking as well, not realizing that we're actually getting to be good at it) and how The Simpsons has influenced how we think of nuclear power.

• Natalie Davis at All Facts and Opinions is thrilled, as are many of us, that Neil Young is bringing out a new anti-war album, but mistakenly directs people to the blog about the album by saying it's his blog which, of course, it isn't. Blogs are being used by many famous folks' People as just another PR tool, so don't go to the site in question expecting to read anything from Young himself.

• Mustang Bobby at Bark Bark Woof Woof takes a look at antimatter-powered spaceships. Once again, Gene Was Right!

Speaking of Star Trek, at least tangentially, Michael at Musing's Musings reports on the indictment of former Republican governor George Ryan. Update: Sorry, confused George with Jack - thanks, upyernoz!

• Kathy at Liberty Street adds a cogent update to the latest Malkinsmear, about how a Fox so-called reporter tried to heap insult onto injury with leading questions that were repeatedly rebuffed by her interview subject.

• Jeff at Speedkill doesn't get why anyone would find Carlos Mencia funny. Me neither. Isn't this the kind of "comedy" dissected by Norman Lear via Archie Bunker over 30 years ago?

• Athenae isn't the First Draft member in the LC, but I still loved her passing along a post about changes at the Daily Planet. I'm such a geek.

• Jane at Firedoglake asks, "How do we balance accessibility with the shared shorthand we use to communicate with the rest of the blogosphere?" As someone who questions the need for that shorthand in the first place, might I suggest not using it in the first place? Or, short of that, having a central repository where people could post all our little "inside baseball" lingo so every time we feel the desperate need to use an expression that will mean absolutely nothing to anyone outside our little clique we can link to it somewhere so new readers will know what we're talking about? Gee, it's a shame that kind of repository doesn't exist.

• In a completely unrelated story, the Farmer at farm runoff goes fishing.

• Also unrelated, Bora/Coturnix at Science and Politics digs for more pyramid stories.

• Lastly, Alex at Sooner Thought appears to consider it not fair for a Baptist college to have rules about certain extracurricular activities. Afraid I have to disagree again; you go to a college like that, you decide to pose nude, you take the consequences.

Gosh, I'm ornery this afternoon. Must be the cold. Back to the Yankees game...