Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Estrogen Month - T Minus Five

Five days left to vote some "new blood" onto my News+Views Gals sidebar! Congratulations to all the blogs that made Civil Liberties Blog Central's Top 10 Blogs on Feminism and Women's Rights! Six of them (Feministing, Echidne, Alas, a Blog, Feministe, Hugo Schwyzer and Majikthise) are already on my blogroll, two are sponsored (Planned Parenthood's Now What? and Amnesty International's Stop Violence Against Women), and the other two (The Happy Feminist and Kortney Ziegler's blac(k)ademic) are on my Where the Women Bloggers Are bookmark list, waiting to be voted on along with (at last count) 106 other worthy candidates, so come on and start voting in the comments section below! Here's the full rundown of the "rules" for those who came in a bit late...