Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Silly Sites o' the Day

I could have done without the insomnia last night, as we'll be leaving the house at 7:30 this morning to arrive at the Javitz Center by 8:30 latest in case there's a queue. If the queue is indoors I should be okay; if it's outdoors I'm staying in the vehicle. If it were up to me I'd stay home. I'm beyond "blech" at this point. Two Silly Sites today, one that I found yesterday and the other in honor of the houseguest who started the Links o' Silliness idea in the first place: I can't remember where I found The Blogga Song, but it should be appreciated both by librarian bloggers and those who know from the Llama Song. And Leah likes the animated short Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Bone (sfw), because it's Just So Wrong.