Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Silly Site o' the Day

With my boss out of town (but still in the country) for a couple 55°+ days and one of my major projects completed yesterday, I have a little time to breathe and possibly catch up on blog-reading, although I suspect much of it's going to be a quick "mark read" (the modern equivalent of "mark time"?). A big drop in temperature is predicted for this weekend, so I'm hoping most of the snow piles in around our house not only melt but evaporate by then, as any water in the U-shaped driveway leading to the main road tends to freeze solid quickly. But you know, I'm not even thinking about the impending chill that much, because - have I mentioned? - we're going to England! Not Ireland, not Wales (although a side trip from Bristol to Cardiff is certainly possible, we'd have to be mad to attempt it) and not Scotland, although I did enjoy the Interactive Weaver Tartan Generator (via Cory at BoingBoing). England! That green and pleasant land, over the pond and through the woods to Dad's house we go!! Yeah, I'm just a bit giddy.