Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Silly Site o' the Day

Last night turned into a bit of a bust, as I developed a fever of 100.5° which I don't feel like I'm quite over yet. Add to that my boss' wife chastising me in email that I didn't call the Met to find out which seats were available for Saturday's opera when I have a big bold-faced note on their contact card saying they don't give out seat availability over the phone (turns out they do now, for special subscribers, but how was I to know?) and it's shaping up to be a glorious day indeed. I'd chastise myself as well, because it never hurts to double-check things by phone, but the fever makes it hard to think straight and you know, I don't get paid to be a personal assistant for my boss' family to begin with, so not all that much incentive to hop to it. And his car has finally pulled into the parking lot, after I've been here struggling for three hours. Bleh. I need to cheer myself up by rewatching The Wand (via Desi).