Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Silly Site o' the Day

Alas, I never did get to those comics yesterday and, wouldn't you know it, our DC comp box arrived so now I'm three months behind! I can only chalk it up to laziness, I suppose. I would have said "body pain and lack of a proper sleep cycle" but I just deleted a really strange comment that accused me of equating laziness with being Jewish (and called me a snob as well) before I even bothered to see to what post that comment was attached, so there you go. I was thinking maybe it was the Lazy Monday parody-of-a-parody video that I found on Chazarmaveth's website, in which case the hit-and-run commenter with the lack of reading comprehension would have been blaming the wrong Jew (shooting the messenger and all that), but a quick search shows that I don't believe I ever linked to that Silly Site until just now. Truth be told, I may be the only lazy person in my family; that's a bunch of active Jews, let me tell you! Did I mention my wonderful godson Jonny is tearing things up on a Junior Bowlers tour? That takes athleticism! (Yes, this was another excuse to Jewglebomb...)