Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Milestone Notes

Since I'm so behind in blog-skimming I'm probably giving up again and doing a big ol' "mark read" on a lot of friends' blogs (for which I apologize but it can't be helped) just to catch my breath again (I also haven't even skimmed the Koufax-nommed blogs!), so I'll probably miss a bunch of important things I should note here. But you know, there's this latest blog "meme" (I last saw it on Anne's site but it's been making the rounds):
If there is someone on your blogroll who makes your world a better place just because that person exists and who you would not have met (in real life or not) without the internet, then post this same sentence on your blog.
And in keeping with that, I'd like to note the following:

Yesterday was Julia's fourth blogiversary!

Tom Negrino was released from the hospital on Friday!

• Congrats to Susie on her new apartment!

More additions as I fast-forward through the blogs...

Update 2/20: Finally caught up! Now I can go back to bed and read more DC comps. Here are some more milestones and other interesting bits I found:

• Happy belated birthdays to Jim Capozzola and Feministe founder Lauren.

• All best wishes to Blondesense's Missouri Mule on her upcoming surgery.

• The 2006 Glyph Awards nominations have been announced.

• Lastly, Nona Williams, who supplied my fishy car emblems, is now a member of a Nielsen family and is soliciting input.