Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Liberal Coalition Top Ten
Week of 2/12 thru 2/18/06

It's that quiet time between morning tea and Robin going to work, so it must be time for my weekly perusal of Liberal Coalition members' posts that got my attention:

• Alex at Sooner Thought details his recent trip to Washington DC.

• Bryant at Make Me A Commentator! seriously gave me the giggles this past week as he and his pseudonyms-- uh, I mean co-bloggers all took turns doing blogarounds.

• Chris Brown at LeftyBrown's Corner dredged up a bad memory by invoking CrossGen, which long-since-bankrupt company still hasn't paid whistleblower Robin the $1300 they owed him, and doubtless never will. But you know, don't cry for Mark Alessi, he's doing just fine.

• As you know, I've been watching the detectives Winter Olympics this week and, while I agree with just about every other blogger that the American coverage itself sucks, I've been trying to ignore it as much as possible in favor of enjoying the athletes' incredible feats. And I really thought men's and women's events had achieved a pretty good parity until I read this post by Echidne of the Snakes about how there's no women's ski jumping. I had no idea, the coverage is so selective and badly done that I figured it was one more sport at which Americans didn't do well so NBC thought it not worth televising. I think the arguments against including this sport at the Olympic level won't hold water and we'll doubtless see it included in Vancouver in four years.

• John at archy examines non-partisan conservatives and salmon. Yes, two separate posts.

• Kathy at Liberty Street annotates a Rumsfeld speech and expresses concern over possible submarine-launched missile attacks against Iran.

• Ken at T. Rex's Guide to Life found some more oil giveaways.

• Michael at Musing's Musings is working on his thesis, so it's a good thing he loves studying history.

• Mustang Bobby at Bark Bark Woof Woof pays tribute to the 'stache.

• Norbizness at Happy Furry Puppy Story Time brings us the real Hume-Cheney interview.

• NTodd Pritsky at Dohiyi Mir gives me another unpleasant flashback as he talks about wind damage up his way.

• Lastly, Trish Wilson, the Countess, examines the whys and wherefores of flame wars.

Now to clear out the rest of the unread blogs by using Bloglines' magical "Mark Read" option before returning to comics reading!