Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Silly Site o' the Day

Argh, I've been "tagged" for another "meme," this time by the originator of the Silly Site idea, my dear friend Leah Adezio (whose LJ blog is password-protected or I'd link to it). However, it's a "boss day" so I have to stop doing "air quotes" and get to some actual work shortly, which means blogging goes by the wayside for the most part, certainly a time-waster like she passed on (Five Guilty Pleasures) which is going to require a little thought. I don't suppose I can put down "Hook" and "Popeye" and let the others go for now, can I? Ah well, in the meantime let's get a silly site out of the way, and since I'm thinking of Leah I'm also thinking of Jews and fashion, so here's the Jewish Fashion Conspiracy, via Len.