Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Riggsgiving 2005

As promised, here's my photoblog of our Thanksgiving, particularly our meal:

Whilst I was cooking and flittering about singsonging "I love Thanksgiving, I love Thanksgiving!" poor Robin was trying to work. But he took a couple breaks to help make the mashed potatoes and get out the tablecloth, which we put atop his old desk that we haven't yet thrown out as we (and our landlord) are still looking for a good home for it. And he carved the bird as well.

Left to right, not including the candles: Cranberry sauce/mandarin orange mix in the front, brussells sprouts in the back; the butternut squash soup with a bit too much cilantro sprinkled on it (I like cilantro a lot; Rob, not so much); the turkey breast in front and stuffing in the back; the gravy; the mashed potato/squash mix in the front and, lastly, the apple pie, egg nog and apple cider.

The cats looove turkey, particularly Amy, who couldn't wait until we sat down. Geez, you'd think they'd have been satisfied with "roast turkey" cat food this morning.

But, you know, Datsa wasn't too far behind her. The food's all doled out, ready to eat!

This one's my place setting. Soup in the bowl, natch; and on the plate, stuffing and turkey on top, then round to the mashie taters and squash, then the crandarin orange, and the sprusselbrouts in the middle.

And here's Robin's place setting. Note how the utensils are on the right.

I've been a tad pouty since Rob colored my hair a few days ago and nobody's said a word and I think it came out really nice, so I asked him to take a picture of me in my velour-like dress before I tucked in. This one goes out to my parents in Vegas - happy Thanksgiving, Mom and Dad!

Wow, that was good! And lots and lots of leftovers for tomorrow. But the cats settled in first, while we started putting things away.

Thank goodness for the wonders of aluminium foil! Rob fit all this in the fridge perfectly, all ready for the bubble-and-squeak fry-up tomorrow. (After all, the sprouts are in the cabbage family...)

Dessert calls! 'Night, everyone! Another great thing about today is that I still have a 3-day weekend on which to catch up with things! I hope most of it isn't taken up by all the washing-up ahead of me...