Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Monday, October 10, 2005

Silly Site o' the Day

So I stood outside the building entrance for 15 minutes this morning because our tenants are all out for the holiday, our porter took a personal day, my coworkers who'd arrived before me weren't at their desks to answer my calls and, unlike them, I'm not allowed an access card (even though I'm the one in charge of getting the cards programmed). Now that I'm inside I can't work on any of my "quiet day" job stuff because we can't connect to our network drives where it's all stored. Fortunately the internet works, and it just so happens that I have a lot of blog catch-up to do! But first, did you know that Kinky Friedman was running for governor of Texas? Sure you did. But have you seen his Kinkytoon? Via Michael Schaub at Blog of a Bookslut.