Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Liberal Coalition Blogaround

Been way too long, and this is one of the only ways I seem to be able to discipline myself enough to actually skim through my fellow Liberal Coalition members' blogs with any regularity. Here's what caught my eye from about two weeks' worth of catch-up:

Alex and the Sooner Thought crew repro a Newsweek column from Eleanor Clift about Harriet Miers.

Amy and David at blogAmy have started photoblogging - cool!

Andante learns a powerful lesson about cats and computers.

Bora Zivkovic takes a bit of time out from his carnival organization to support a local friend's political ambitions.

Bryant Gries' fictional friend Irwin J. McIckleson puts us all to shame with his consistently amusing blogarounds.

Charles2 found a bit buried in a NY Times article that mentions FEMA budget cutbacks in 2006. Hey, maybe the new crop of cronies comes cheaper than the old crop.

Chris Brown interrupts his question-taking to rave about his latest acquisition at Target.

At Corrente, MJS gets graphic and serenades us, and Riggsveda is off to Baton Rouge to practice what many of us just preach.

I hate to break it to Echidne, but I'm afraid I have no memories of my first kiss. As I get older I find my brain has less capacity for personal memories (and fictional plots), as it needs to be taken up with need-to-know-for-boss stuff.

Speaking of fiction, Eryk at And Then... talks about why he prefers music reviews to fiction, and then gives us an example.

At First Draft, Athenae muses about America as the world's policeman, and puts on her best perfume.

Happy belated birthday to Guy Andrew Hall, who is damn tired of messages. Part of me agrees with him, but the cynic in me notes that, sadly, nowadays running for office is "about selling products." It's probably been that way at least since the advent of television. That's not to say that the products sold can't be things like competence and integrity and civil rights and justice.

Horatio flashes us back to the '86 World Series, which was pretty much what I thought when I was watching last Wednesday's game. Gosh, three teams eliminated already since then, and what a phenomenal Braves/Astros game today! It's great to see so many bloggers suddenly possessed of baseball fever (at least to the point of blogging about it)!

I hope Jane Hamsher enjoyed being on the air this morning! I've often been told I have a face for radio... Hope her TV appearance gets rescheduled soon!

John at archy has an Ig Nobel Prize report.

Jude Camwell details John Edwards' sixth podcast, and examines the controversial website Under Mars.

Kathy Kattenburg gave me a heads-up that she was going to do a blogaround, and so she has! On her own blog she's also kept up to date on the earthquake situation in South Asia. Also, please tell me this isn't real...

Keith Kisser is getting back into the swing of things in the job world... well, at least insofar as being a librarian is considered a job. (Kidding! That's just for Steve.)

Ken Quinnell at T. Rex is less than happy with the outcome of this afternoon's game. But hey, at least he gets to grumble about football and country music for the next five months...

Maru Soze doesn't know how to take the Daily Show's announcement that it's going to feature musical guests soon. She does know how she feels about Viking coffee, however.

MercuryX23 tells us of a high school kid he teaches being lied to by a recruiter.

Michael at Musing's Musings tells of a different sort of October surprise.

Mike at Left is Right is fed up with the current crop of Democrats.

Moi at Bloggg notes a voting irregularity in New Zealand. Also, she went to see the show that Colin Mochrie and Brad Sherwood are touring around colleges for the next few months, the lucky stiff.

Mustang Bobby has little patience for the likes of Andrew Sullivan and Ann Coulter, but then what thinking person does?

Natalie Davis passes along some more bad news for those of us who believe church and state should be kept separate.

At the News Blog, Steve Gilliard repros an article about an Irish reporter who got majorly dissed by our boy prince for doing his job. Also, lobster rustling.

Norbizness plays some corruption bingo.

NTodd Pritsky is right on top of the latest crime wave in Vermont. I think somebody stole a leaf.

Rivka's busy with the baby but I still wanted to pass on this somewhat old but still very good post from her.

Scrutiny Hooligans quote Chomsky on NOLA and Vonnegut on lots of stuff.

I swear I just heard Steve Bates giggle. It's a frightening sound...

Trish Wilson is going to a wine tasting, and I'm bummed because I haven't been to one in years and it's definitely the season now... She's also keeping up with her area of expertise, as she gives us the latest on Aussie "father's rights" activists.

upyernoz spent the weekend upstate, where I hope to do a day trip next weekend...

Wanda delights in karmic payback.

Lastly, Jesse seems to have gone on hiatus; I'll miss you, Jesse! This should give me a bit more time to peruse active LC'ers in waiting like Josh Hester and Paul in Brentwood...